
Who Invented Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an energetic medicine, using natural substances in a highly diluted form, which stimulate a healing reaction in the body. And yes, it's very safe for your animals!

Does Rescue Remedy for Pets Really Work?
Do you have a dog or cat who is normally fearless, but who cowers in a crying mess during a thunderstorm, nearby fireworks noises or crowds?
While it's important to pay attention to your pets and learn everything you can about the root issues triggering their anxious behaviors, I have found Rescue Remedy for Pets to be very effective for anxiety in animals.

Your Questions: What homeopathic remedy can I give my dog with car anxiety?
Dr. Dee,
Do you have any experience with homeopathy helping dogs with car anxiety?
Hello and thank you for your question. It's somewhat common, so I do have a recommendation for you.

How to Dose Your Animals with a Homeopathic Remedy
Dr. Dee Blanco answers the most frequently asked questions about how to use and dose homeopathic remedies for acute and chronic illness in dogs and cats.
You won't want to miss this easy read and implement article.

Holistic Veterinary Care
Homeopathy for Epidemics: What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and More
As a holistic doctor of veterinary medicine and a naturopathic clinician, I have frequently questioned the status quo of what I call “commercial medicine.”
The history you’ll learn in this blog is part of what helped me find my path towards what is true for me, professionally and personally.

Dog Heat Stroke
Homeopathy for Dog and Cat Emergencies: Heat Stroke
It's hot. It's really hot. It's really too hot for our animals who can't take off their fur coats or take a refreshing dip anytime they want. Heat stroke can happen very quickly. What can cause heat stroke and what should you look for?

Homeopathy for Dog and Cat Emergencies: Puncture Wounds, Bites
Time to shed those heavy winter coats and have some fun-in-the-sun! But, as you know, accidents can happen. Are you prepared?
Homeopathic remedies are a safe, easy, fabulous way to treat your entire family should a minor (or even a major) medical event occur.
Read the blog to learn more!

What is Homeopathy and is it safe for dogs and cats?
Homeopathy is a form of energetic medicine using natural substances in highly diluted forms to stimulate a healing reaction in the body. Is is very safe for your dog and cat. As a holistic veterinarian I have used homeopathy for over 40 years with incredible results. Let me explain.

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