About Dr Dee
Hi, I’m so glad you are here!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
There might be many reasons why you came to my site but if you are:
- frustrated with conventional vet medicine
- questioning things your vet is recommending
- needing a holistic ‘second’ opinion
- needing some back up support for what your heart has been telling you
- needing support from a trained vet while you make major changes for raising your animal family,
You’ve come to the right place!
I’ve helped thousands of folks, over many years (42!) make changes big and small for their animals that are more in alignment with their own health care philosophies.
I am posting most of my content on Substack as The Heretical Vet. Here you’ll have access to much of what I have learned in those 42 years in practice. None of the faux-listic stuff here. None of the beating-around-the-bush, sugar-coating or trying to convince you of anything. Just honest, raw and often heretical perspective from a natural medicine view instead of from commercial medicine.
My intention is to download those 42 years of education from my alternative medicine degrees; vet school and most of all from you through the years of treating your animals. And if not your animals, then from animals much like yours with issues like yours.

I received my Bachelors in Science in Biology in 1977 and earned my Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University in 1981.
I practiced conventional medicine for 6 years until my own medical condition catapulted me into natural healing techniques. I experienced no relief from taking allopathic drugs which led me to learn more about homeopathy.
It was love at first dose!
I have certifications in Classical Veterinary Homeopathy and Veterinary Acupuncture, and I’ve taken extensive training in Functional, Environmental, Nutritional, Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicines.
After 42 years in veterinary practice, most of which have been in holistic medicine, I continue to be passionate about helping animals live healthy, balanced lives by reconnecting with the principles of Natural Healing.
It is my mission to guide and teach eager pet parents how to give their animals vibrant health, resilience, and vitality.
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