This is a collection of the top questions clients ask me about dosing their animal with a homeopathic remedy. This is your one-stop post for answering your dosing questions!
How do I make a liquid homeopathic remedy for my dog or cat?
- Fill a clean dropper bottle with distilled, reverse osmosis, or spring water only to the shoulder of the bottle, leaving a little air space. **Do not make your liquid homeopathic remedies in bottles that had herbal tinctures in them.**
- Place one or two pellets into the dropper bottle. It doesn’t matter how many pellet, but more than 2 is not necessary.
- Let the pellets partially dissolve. Remember, the medicine in on the pills, not in the pills. You can give the remedy before the pellets have completely dissolved.
- Hit the bottom of the bottle against your palm 10 times, activating the remedy. This is called “succussion” in homeopathic terminology; a process that activates the water. Since our bodies are composed of over 70% water, making a water potency allows for easy absorption for you or your animal.

Course: Homeopathy For Pet Emergencies
Learn more about homeopathy principles and dosing for pet emergencies.Price: $95
How do I does my animal with a homeopathic remedy for acute symptoms?
Make a liquid potency (as described above) in a clean glass or dropper bottle. Give 4 doses of a few drops every 5-15 minutes, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Then dose once per hour for 2 more hours. As the symptoms improve, decrease the number of doses.
How do I give a liquid remedy dose to my animal?
For DOGS: Gently pull out the lower lip and squirt a few drops onto the gums or tongue – anywhere in the mouth is fine. The drops do not need to be swallowed, then only need to touch any mucous membrane.
Alternatively, you can put the remedy in a bit of milk as a “treat.”
For CATS: If they are agreeable, hold their head angled slightly to the ceiling which opens the mouth naturally. Squirt 1-2 drops into their mouth. Be careful not to use too many drops or this could make your cat choke.
Alternatively, and more easily, give the remedy in water (if you are sure they will drink it) or in goat’s or cow’s milk or cream (any percentage is fine). Stir the remedy into about 1 tablespoon of milk to potentize the milk (or water) and the “treat” to your cat. This is my preferred method if your cat like milk.
How do I give dry pellet doses to my animal by mouth?
Be patient, experiment, and find the way that works best for each animal.
Keep in mind:
- The pellets do not need to be swallowed or completely dissolved, but should be in the mouth for at least 30 seconds.
- Do not touch the pellets with your hands.
- The smaller the pellets, the more likely your animal will not spit them out. Think about it this way – your cat cleans himself so there is hair and dirt in his mouth frequently. Your dog chews on all sorts of things and doesn’t worry about spitting out debris. So, the #10 sized pellets, the size of poppy seeds, are the easiest to give in the dry form; however, they are not the most available at health food stores.
There are 3 ways to give dry pellets to your dog or cat by mouth:
- Place a few pellets into the cap and tip it directly into your pet’s mouth. Make sure the cap does not touch any part of your dog, especially the tongue. If it happens, rinse the lid with hot water for a few seconds, dry carefully, and replace the lid on the bottle. Caring for your remedies will insure they will care for you for generations!
- The large pellets available at health food stores are best dissolved in water or milk (as described above), but if that is not the chosen method, place 1-2 large pellets between a folded index card and mash into a powder. The, holding the mouth carefully, use the card to gently tip the powder into the animal’s mouth. The powder will be quickly absorbed. This method requires some skill and patience!
- Place a few pellets (by putting them in the cap) in the animal’s bowl and let them lick the pellets. Many animals, especially dogs, will agree to this method.
What should I know before giving homeopathic remedies?
How often you give the dose depends on the severity of symptoms and the potency of the remedy. If I or your homeopathic vet do not offer specific directions to you about dosing, then these general guidelines apply:
- Administer homeopathic medicine into a neutral mouth – this means No food or drinks (other than water) 15 minutes before or after dose.
- Keep in mind that the higher the potency, the stronger the remedy (Ordered here from lowest to highest: 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M).
- Do not touch the remedy you are dispensing to your animal. You may touch the remedy pellets if you are the one taking it.

Giving Homeopathic Remedies To Animals
A DIY Ebook with printable PDF Price: $10
How do I dose the remedies for acute and chronic illness?
Dosing remedies depends on the nature of the illness, the strength (potency) of the remedy, the availability of the person dosing the animal, and the compliance of the animal to take the remedy.
For Acute illness, accidents, sudden onset of symptoms:
- Give the remedy as often as every 5 minutes until you see an improvement in symptoms. Improvement in symptoms could mean your animal is more relaxed, stops panting, closes their eyes, wants to be close to you, wants to eat or drink – anything that tells you they feel better.
- Continue to give the remedy (this varies with remedy potency and situation) 2 more times, once per hour. You may need to repeat this once per rhythm for a few more doses if the situation seems appropriate. For example, if your dog has a nose bleed, you give Phosphorus 30C every 5 minutes for 4 doses, with a great decrease in bleeding. Repeat the remedy about every 15-30 minutes for one to two doses. Then wait about 1 hour or so until you’re sure the bleeding has stopped. If the bleeding returns, repeat remedy once (or twice) as needed to complete the healing process.
- The treatment of acute illness with homeopathic remedies requires you, the pet parent, to be observant, and to trust what you’re seeing and feeling. The treatment is not rote – give the remedy frequently then back off and evaluate the response. If the response is good, then repeat only if the symptoms return. If there is no response, change the remedy and repeat the process.
For Chronic illness:
It’s best to consult with a practitioner to give guidance on dosing remedies. Frequent dosing is not indicated if using high potencies (above 30C) but might be given early in treatment for very short periods.
What are the things that don’t matter about homeopathic remedies but are important to know?
- The number of pellets in each dose does not matter at the potencies we most frequently use (X, C, M) but you will use up your supply if you give more than is needed. Giving more than one or two pellets (no matter the size of the remedy) is not needed. Directions on the bottles are just guidelines and required by the FDA, but are not needed to initiate the full effect of the remedies. One pellet is really all you need!
- The time of day/night for each dosing is not important unless your practitioner clearly defines when to dose. Some remedies are best given during certain times of the day or night, but this suggestion should be left to the practitioner. For acute situations, give the remedy immediately.
- The amount of milk or water used to dissolve the pellets is not critical except when using the LM potencies, which are the more typically prescribed for chronic ailments. For the more common remedy potencies (X, C, M), diluting the pellets in any amount of water is fine. The animal does not have to drink that entire amount, only a few drops. Even one drop is enough for the body to recognize the potentized water or milk. It is the Vital Force, or the energy the body, that recognizes the remedy and is stimulated to start the healing process.
- Dissolving the pellets completely is not important because the medicine is on the pellets, not in the pellets. Just dissolve the pellets a bit by stirring vigorously (I prefer a wooden spoon) or succussing a dropper bottle against the palm of your hand about 10 times.
What are the important things to remember when using remedies?
It is possible to contaminate the remedy by touching the dropper on your pet’s mouth or on yourself. Rinse it under hot water for a few seconds before returning the dropper to the bottle.
The use of perfumes, essential oils, scented candles, or pet shampoos may antidote your pet’s remedy.
Cell phones, microwave ovens and computers are the most common ways to antidote your remedies. Keep them at least 8 feet away.
How should I store my homeopathic remedies?
Store all homeopathic remedies in a neutral cabinet or drawer!
- NOT anywhere hot or cold; no refrigeration, no hot or cold cars or outdoor storage stalls.
- NOT near computers, cell phones, electrical outlets, etc.
- NOT near herbs, spices, or other strong-smelling substances, essential oils, incense, etc.

Homeopathy Kit For Acute & Chronic Ailments
For Pets & People, this homeopathic kit contains 100 of the most commonly used remedies in a 30C or 200C potency, along with its own Materia Medica. Price: $450
janet jakus
my one year old pup ate some cortizone cream. took to vet, she gave cerenia for the vomitting..for 2 days, once done, she started vomitting again, and wont eat, but is drinking some water. every thing i give she throws up .
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Nux vomica is the remedy to use. 30C once per hour for 3 doses, or 200C once her hour for 2 doses.
Also activated charcoal – about 1/2 tsp for about 25# of body weight.
Good luck!
my one year old pup ate some cortizone cream. took to vet, she gave cerenia for the vomitting..for 2 days, once done, she started vomitting again, and wont eat, but is drinking some water. every thing i give she throws up .
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Nux vomica is the remedy to use. 30C once per hour for 3 doses, or 200C once her hour for 2 doses.
Also activated charcoal – about 1/2 tsp for about 25# of body weight.
Good luck!
My 17-year-old neutered male cat has recently begun marking in various places around the house. This started mid September, in response to having some renovations done and workers in here for about two weeks. Behavioral intervention is only successful part of the time. His anxiety builds over the course of a couple of days and then he just needs to mark. I’ve been recommended to use homeopathic phosphorus. He has hyper thyroid and takes Felimazole, and he takes Cosequin for his arthritis. Is there any reason that I should not give him the homeopathic phosphorus? I checked with my vet, but he said that since he’s not a homeopath, he’s not comfortable that he has the knowledge to answer the question. Thank you so much for your help!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Meryl,
Because your kitty has a chronic situation it is really best you work with someone who can drill down on all the symptoms, history, diet, etc for your particular cat. Phosphorus might help, but there might be other remedies that are more helpful. Clearly the upset in the home was the etiology of his spraying but with his thyroid disease you definitely want someone to follow everything including the arthritis.
And you need to make sure that he doesn’t have a urinary tract infection, which your regular vet can help diagnose.
I don’t know who recommended Phosphorus, maybe they know your cat quite well and thought it fit many symptoms. You could try a couple doses of a 30C and see how he does. It probably won’t hurt anything if it’s the wrong remedy. I have used Phosphorus for many cases of various illnesses including hyperthyroid. Otherwise, there are many other remedies that might help but it might be something more like Ignatia amara.
Best to you and your kitty!
My 17-year-old neutered male cat has recently begun marking in various places around the house. This started mid September, in response to having some renovations done and workers in here for about two weeks. Behavioral intervention is only successful part of the time. His anxiety builds over the course of a couple of days and then he just needs to mark. I’ve been recommended to use homeopathic phosphorus. He has hyper thyroid and takes Felimazole, and he takes Cosequin for his arthritis. Is there any reason that I should not give him the homeopathic phosphorus? I checked with my vet, but he said that since he’s not a homeopath, he’s not comfortable that he has the knowledge to answer the question. Thank you so much for your help!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Meryl,
Because your kitty has a chronic situation it is really best you work with someone who can drill down on all the symptoms, history, diet, etc for your particular cat. Phosphorus might help, but there might be other remedies that are more helpful. Clearly the upset in the home was the etiology of his spraying but with his thyroid disease you definitely want someone to follow everything including the arthritis.
And you need to make sure that he doesn’t have a urinary tract infection, which your regular vet can help diagnose.
I don’t know who recommended Phosphorus, maybe they know your cat quite well and thought it fit many symptoms. You could try a couple doses of a 30C and see how he does. It probably won’t hurt anything if it’s the wrong remedy. I have used Phosphorus for many cases of various illnesses including hyperthyroid. Otherwise, there are many other remedies that might help but it might be something more like Ignatia amara.
Best to you and your kitty!
I work with a wonderful Homeopathic vet in my area…she was just injured and I really would like to let her rest…I give my 9 year old heartcat..meaning he is my heart…who was died by a regular vet with diabetes may of 2023. IBS SIBO several years ago He also has diarrhea He is taking 1 drop of Nux Vomica 30C once a week in cream about 2 3 tablespoons We working on getting my babie off Cerenia which he was on from the regular vet for 8 YEARS we tried ging Nux Vomica every day 5 drops then when he was starting to have having metabolic issues reduced the Nux Vomica to 1 drop once a day then every 2 or three days now 1 drop once a week which He tolerates well…I gave the one drop in cream tonight about an hour ago…but forgot to stir the Nux Vomica into the half and half to potententiate it if that is the proper term….he lapped it out of the cream enthusiastically….I am still so upset with myself for forgetting to stir it…this has never happened before…my question is will the Nux Vomica still be effective or did I really make a mess of this weeks Nux Vomica administration…I am so upset…any help you may offer would be deeply appreciated..I am new at this…thank you so very much…
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Do not worry. If he drank the entire amount of cream, then he took the remedy just fine.
I hope the Nux vomica is helping your little one and I hope your homeopathic vet can prescribe other remedies to work at a deeper level.
I work with a wonderful Homeopathic vet in my area…she was just injured and I really would like to let her rest…I give my 9 year old heartcat..meaning he is my heart…who was died by a regular vet with diabetes may of 2023. IBS SIBO several years ago He also has diarrhea He is taking 1 drop of Nux Vomica 30C once a week in cream about 2 3 tablespoons We working on getting my babie off Cerenia which he was on from the regular vet for 8 YEARS we tried ging Nux Vomica every day 5 drops then when he was starting to have having metabolic issues reduced the Nux Vomica to 1 drop once a day then every 2 or three days now 1 drop once a week which He tolerates well…I gave the one drop in cream tonight about an hour ago…but forgot to stir the Nux Vomica into the half and half to potententiate it if that is the proper term….he lapped it out of the cream enthusiastically….I am still so upset with myself for forgetting to stir it…this has never happened before…my question is will the Nux Vomica still be effective or did I really make a mess of this weeks Nux Vomica administration…I am so upset…any help you may offer would be deeply appreciated..I am new at this…thank you so very much…
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Do not worry. If he drank the entire amount of cream, then he took the remedy just fine.
I hope the Nux vomica is helping your little one and I hope your homeopathic vet can prescribe other remedies to work at a deeper level.
Hello, my 3 almost 4 year old dog was just diagnosed with mild left sided hip dysplasia and the onset of an early CCL injury. As of now the CCL is still stable but the ligament is “angry”. I am trying my best to avoid a future surgery. Ive been seeing wonderful things about Rhus tox and ruta graveolens, as well as calcarea carbonica and comfrey. Can I give all of these simultaneously? Is there something you recommend?
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Ali,
I’m sorry I can’t give you specific directions because there are subtleties to the treatment of ACL injuries. I have used Rhus tox and Ruta grav, but also other remedies as well.
And I do think you should look into Platelet Rich Plasma or Stem Cell injections. The results with this type of therapy, although can still be expensive, can be very dramatic. I have seen results with various clients, even large dogs that did very, very well.
I hope this helps!
Hello, my 3 almost 4 year old dog was just diagnosed with mild left sided hip dysplasia and the onset of an early CCL injury. As of now the CCL is still stable but the ligament is “angry”. I am trying my best to avoid a future surgery. Ive been seeing wonderful things about Rhus tox and ruta graveolens, as well as calcarea carbonica and comfrey. Can I give all of these simultaneously? Is there something you recommend?
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Ali,
I’m sorry I can’t give you specific directions because there are subtleties to the treatment of ACL injuries. I have used Rhus tox and Ruta grav, but also other remedies as well.
And I do think you should look into Platelet Rich Plasma or Stem Cell injections. The results with this type of therapy, although can still be expensive, can be very dramatic. I have seen results with various clients, even large dogs that did very, very well.
I hope this helps!
Hello, our 14 year old mixed breed dog is reverse sneezing quite a bit. It started last November. Now with allergy season in full spring it seems to be increasing, especially at night. The vet said her heart and lungs all sound fine. The humans here all take Bioron histaminum hydrochloricum for allergies with wonderful results. Can we give it to our dog and see if it helps? Thanks!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, absolutely you can. But also add Vitamin C and quercetin.
Good luck!
Hello, our 14 year old mixed breed dog is reverse sneezing quite a bit. It started last November. Now with allergy season in full spring it seems to be increasing, especially at night. The vet said her heart and lungs all sound fine. The humans here all take Bioron histaminum hydrochloricum for allergies with wonderful results. Can we give it to our dog and see if it helps? Thanks!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, absolutely you can. But also add Vitamin C and quercetin.
Good luck!
Thanks for all of your excellent advice.
Do you have any suggestions for alopecia in an elderly cat? I don’t see ringworm or parasites but hair is falling out in clumps on her upper thigh.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Sequoia,
This might not be a quick fix but first revamp your cats food. There might be deficiencies that need correction or something not helping the gut bacteria causing skin issues.
And if you use any topical flea/tick pesticides they could cause alopecia in areas.
You can give 1 pill each of Natrum Muriaticum and Silicea, both 6x cell salt, 1x/day.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for all of your excellent advice.
Do you have any suggestions for alopecia in an elderly cat? I don’t see ringworm or parasites but hair is falling out in clumps on her upper thigh.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Sequoia,
This might not be a quick fix but first revamp your cats food. There might be deficiencies that need correction or something not helping the gut bacteria causing skin issues.
And if you use any topical flea/tick pesticides they could cause alopecia in areas.
You can give 1 pill each of Natrum Muriaticum and Silicea, both 6x cell salt, 1x/day.
Hope this helps.
Kati Everett
My dog has lymphoma and has failed chemotherapy. We are looking for other homeopathic options..
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hi Kati,
I’m so sorry about your pup. Maybe it’s a good thing he ‘failed chemotherapy’ and you can help his body heal on it’s down.
The person I send more cancer cases to is Dr Charles Loops<> in North Carolina. He has a website and is listed. He will do a mix of homeopathic remedies as his treatments but if you are looking for more classical I am sending you some of my autoresponder text with some options:
If you are looking to consult with a holistic vet (good decision!), please reach out to:
Dr. Charles Loops: (he also treats many various types of cancer using homeopathy) Dr. MaryBeth Minter:<> phone: 435-644-7546 Dr. Todd Cooney: phone: (765) 455-4411<>
Here are some websites where you might find other holistic resources and practitioners:<> (homeopathy)<> (homeopathic professional association)<> (holistic medical association)<> (veterinary botanical professional association)
I hope this helps and if not pls reach back out to me and I’ll see what I can do. I’m not really taking new clients now and that is why I am referring you.
All the best, Dr Dee
My dog has lymphoma and has failed chemotherapy. We are looking for other homeopathic options..
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hi Kati,
I’m so sorry about your pup. Maybe it’s a good thing he ‘failed chemotherapy’ and you can help his body heal on it’s down.
The person I send more cancer cases to is Dr Charles Loops<> in North Carolina. He has a website and is listed. He will do a mix of homeopathic remedies as his treatments but if you are looking for more classical I am sending you some of my autoresponder text with some options:
If you are looking to consult with a holistic vet (good decision!), please reach out to:
Dr. Charles Loops: (he also treats many various types of cancer using homeopathy) Dr. MaryBeth Minter:<> phone: 435-644-7546 Dr. Todd Cooney: phone: (765) 455-4411<>
Here are some websites where you might find other holistic resources and practitioners:<> (homeopathy)<> (homeopathic professional association)<> (holistic medical association)<> (veterinary botanical professional association)
I hope this helps and if not pls reach back out to me and I’ll see what I can do. I’m not really taking new clients now and that is why I am referring you.
All the best, Dr Dee
My 6 1/2 mth old kitten was spayed Tues Nov 07. Tomorrow is the last day I give her the last dose of a painkiller the vet prescribed. Can you recommend a homeopathic pain remedy I can give my kitten, as I’m sure she’ll still be in pain from the surgery. I’m aware of arnica but is there something else as well. Also, can I put calendula ointment on the incision topically to help it heal or is there something else for that. I’d appreciate a response. Thanks so much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Bellis perenis is best for spaying – pain in abdomen. If that doesn’t work, try Arnica.
Yes, you can put calendula ointment on the incision.
My 6 1/2 mth old kitten was spayed Tues Nov 07. Tomorrow is the last day I give her the last dose of a painkiller the vet prescribed. Can you recommend a homeopathic pain remedy I can give my kitten, as I’m sure she’ll still be in pain from the surgery. I’m aware of arnica but is there something else as well. Also, can I put calendula ointment on the incision topically to help it heal or is there something else for that. I’d appreciate a response. Thanks so much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Bellis perenis is best for spaying – pain in abdomen. If that doesn’t work, try Arnica.
Yes, you can put calendula ointment on the incision.
Hi there, my 10yo Shihtzu’s eyes started to become cloudy, vet said that it could be the beginning of cataracts and the surgery is the only solution. What can I give her to support her eyes? her vision is not affected, the cloudiness is visible only in very bright light. Thank you
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
This is common in older animals and people, but is often a function of free radical damage from all the environmental, drugs, vaccines, flea/tick/heartworm pesticides, etc, etc, etc in our world that the animals are exposed to.
Feeding fresh food, supplement support with antioxidants and eye specific nutrients are the best way to stop further damage and even help heal. There are many products on the market but make sure they have lutein and Vitamin C, A and antioxidants.
Hi there, my 10yo Shihtzu’s eyes started to become cloudy, vet said that it could be the beginning of cataracts and the surgery is the only solution. What can I give her to support her eyes? her vision is not affected, the cloudiness is visible only in very bright light. Thank you
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
This is common in older animals and people, but is often a function of free radical damage from all the environmental, drugs, vaccines, flea/tick/heartworm pesticides, etc, etc, etc in our world that the animals are exposed to.
Feeding fresh food, supplement support with antioxidants and eye specific nutrients are the best way to stop further damage and even help heal. There are many products on the market but make sure they have lutein and Vitamin C, A and antioxidants.
Jill Goodrich
Hello Dr. Dee,
Thank you for this article. I was wondering if I can give any remedies transdermally ( drops onto ear flap) or via a plastic syringe into a cat’s mouth after succussing the pellet inside?
My other question is if I put a pellet into his water dish do I need to change it after 1 drink so I don’t ‘overdose’ or is it ok for him to drink it more often?
I am going to try nux vomica for some vomiting a couple times a day for a few days.
Thank you,
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
It is possible the remedies work transdermally, but I wouldn’t count on it. Having said that I do my best not to get any liquid remedy on my skin if I am dosing someone else.
Yes, you can put a pellet into a syringe, fill it with water and dose from there. I think it’s easier to put a pellet in a glass with about 1oz of water, stir that and then use that water.
If you put the remedy in the drinking water you can keep that water available for the day if you are using the lower potencies – 30C or lower.
Hello Dr. Dee,
Thank you for this article. I was wondering if I can give any remedies transdermally ( drops onto ear flap) or via a plastic syringe into a cat’s mouth after succussing the pellet inside?
My other question is if I put a pellet into his water dish do I need to change it after 1 drink so I don’t ‘overdose’ or is it ok for him to drink it more often?
I am going to try nux vomica for some vomiting a couple times a day for a few days.
Thank you,
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
It is possible the remedies work transdermally, but I wouldn’t count on it. Having said that I do my best not to get any liquid remedy on my skin if I am dosing someone else.
Yes, you can put a pellet into a syringe, fill it with water and dose from there. I think it’s easier to put a pellet in a glass with about 1oz of water, stir that and then use that water.
If you put the remedy in the drinking water you can keep that water available for the day if you are using the lower potencies – 30C or lower.
Hi Dee! I’m so thankful I found your site. I have a 16 year old kitty with IBD and liver disease. He still has a great appetite and for the most part is his same old active self, but I know at times his stomach hurts after meals – the vet says since his liver is enlarged it could be pressing on his stomach :( . Even still, the only time he vomits is overnight on an empty stomach, and it’s always just liquid/bile. I try to wake up in time to feed him throughout the night because having food in his stomach seems to help, but I don’t always wake up on time. Anyway, I’m hoping that Nux could help if I give him some before bed? My question would be, how much should I give him? He is only around 6.5lbs, and he’s difficult to pill so it would have to be given in some water. I just bought Nux 30cc from a local health store. They were out of the 6C, I hope I didn’t get too strong a dose for him. I’m desperate to help stop his overnight vomiting, and also possibly help his daytime discomfort after eating. Thank you!!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Christine,
You really would do better working with a homeopathic vet since this is an older kitty and a mix of chronic issues – that is, if you want to be more accurate in prescribing.
But, you can try Nux v 30C (not cc) for a few days and see if it helps. It’s a great remedy for this sort of thing. I have a dosing ebook on my site here <> but I would give it twice a day for about 3 days. Then you’ll need to switch if you don’t see much help.
There are a number of remedies that might help your kitty such as Phosphorus, Sulphur, Arsenicum album etc, but without an experienced person helping out you might be shooting in the dark a bit.
Hope this helps!
Dr Dee
Hi Dee! I’m so thankful I found your site. I have a 16 year old kitty with IBD and liver disease. He still has a great appetite and for the most part is his same old active self, but I know at times his stomach hurts after meals – the vet says since his liver is enlarged it could be pressing on his stomach :( . Even still, the only time he vomits is overnight on an empty stomach, and it’s always just liquid/bile. I try to wake up in time to feed him throughout the night because having food in his stomach seems to help, but I don’t always wake up on time. Anyway, I’m hoping that Nux could help if I give him some before bed? My question would be, how much should I give him? He is only around 6.5lbs, and he’s difficult to pill so it would have to be given in some water. I just bought Nux 30cc from a local health store. They were out of the 6C, I hope I didn’t get too strong a dose for him. I’m desperate to help stop his overnight vomiting, and also possibly help his daytime discomfort after eating. Thank you!!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Christine,
You really would do better working with a homeopathic vet since this is an older kitty and a mix of chronic issues – that is, if you want to be more accurate in prescribing.
But, you can try Nux v 30C (not cc) for a few days and see if it helps. It’s a great remedy for this sort of thing. I have a dosing ebook on my site here <> but I would give it twice a day for about 3 days. Then you’ll need to switch if you don’t see much help.
There are a number of remedies that might help your kitty such as Phosphorus, Sulphur, Arsenicum album etc, but without an experienced person helping out you might be shooting in the dark a bit.
Hope this helps!
Dr Dee
Susan Reynolds
Hi! My dog has had chronic rhinitus for over a year. We’ve tried so much. Could Nat Mur be helpful? Any advice would be appreciated.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Susan,
Natrum muriaticum might be the right remedy but there could be many more since this is a chronic situation. And because it is chronic you need to work with a trained homeopathic vet to be more accurate.
You can try Nat mur in a 30C daily for a week or so and see if it helps. But, again, to take the case properly all sorts of other info is needed to make a complete evaluation and a more precise prescription.
I hope this helps. But, I can tell you that if you go back to antibiotics you’ll destroy the gut microbes and can suppress the illness deeper into the lungs.
Hi! My dog has had chronic rhinitus for over a year. We’ve tried so much. Could Nat Mur be helpful? Any advice would be appreciated.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Susan,
Natrum muriaticum might be the right remedy but there could be many more since this is a chronic situation. And because it is chronic you need to work with a trained homeopathic vet to be more accurate.
You can try Nat mur in a 30C daily for a week or so and see if it helps. But, again, to take the case properly all sorts of other info is needed to make a complete evaluation and a more precise prescription.
I hope this helps. But, I can tell you that if you go back to antibiotics you’ll destroy the gut microbes and can suppress the illness deeper into the lungs.
My 2 kitten are may infected by round worms, they don’t eat or drink and vomits up worms, one of them had been really weak since 2-3 days and not taking his dose. He spits out all the med by rubbing his tongue. He won’t eat anything all day and barely drinks 10-20 ml milk on feeding unwilingly. I don’t know what to do.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I hope by now you have gotten some local vet support as he might be getting very dehydrated.
This is not the sort of thing we can fix with a quick answer. Get to your regular vet, stop the meds and just do supportive care until he strengthens.
Dr Dee
My 2 kitten are may infected by round worms, they don’t eat or drink and vomits up worms, one of them had been really weak since 2-3 days and not taking his dose. He spits out all the med by rubbing his tongue. He won’t eat anything all day and barely drinks 10-20 ml milk on feeding unwilingly. I don’t know what to do.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I hope by now you have gotten some local vet support as he might be getting very dehydrated.
This is not the sort of thing we can fix with a quick answer. Get to your regular vet, stop the meds and just do supportive care until he strengthens.
Dr Dee
My dog has for the last month or so exhibited increasing symptoms of hypothyroidism- lethargy, dry eye with greenish goop, confusion. Eating normally, pooping normally. Doesn’t want to go for walks at all. In the past he’s had 3 occasions of brief focal seizures after emotional upset. Fascinated by inedible things on our walks- dirt, asphalt, pebbles (the latter two he thankfully spits out) I’m saving up for a homeopathic consult for him but would really like to alleviate his current symptoms. I’ve been hypothyroid almost all my life and take dessicated thyroid so that could also be an option if need be. I’m not at all fond of allopathy (to put it mildly) and he’s been treated with homeopathy as long as I’ve had him successfully (we had a holistic vet who unfortunately died but I have successfully treated him for a couple of things on my own since) This being a constitutional issue I want to try to alleviate his discomfort and hopefully more.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I’m sorry Susan, but I’m not taking any new clients at this time and you really do need someone to work in depth with you and your dog.
By now you would have received my auto-responder with names of 3 homeopath colleagues and friends who are taking new clients. I would call Dr Charles Loops (info in that auto email you received already), as he might be the best person for this situation.
But, the homeopathy and likely some supplement support should help your little one to feel better!
Hope this helps!
Best, Dr Dee
My dog has for the last month or so exhibited increasing symptoms of hypothyroidism- lethargy, dry eye with greenish goop, confusion. Eating normally, pooping normally. Doesn’t want to go for walks at all. In the past he’s had 3 occasions of brief focal seizures after emotional upset. Fascinated by inedible things on our walks- dirt, asphalt, pebbles (the latter two he thankfully spits out) I’m saving up for a homeopathic consult for him but would really like to alleviate his current symptoms. I’ve been hypothyroid almost all my life and take dessicated thyroid so that could also be an option if need be. I’m not at all fond of allopathy (to put it mildly) and he’s been treated with homeopathy as long as I’ve had him successfully (we had a holistic vet who unfortunately died but I have successfully treated him for a couple of things on my own since) This being a constitutional issue I want to try to alleviate his discomfort and hopefully more.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I’m sorry Susan, but I’m not taking any new clients at this time and you really do need someone to work in depth with you and your dog.
By now you would have received my auto-responder with names of 3 homeopath colleagues and friends who are taking new clients. I would call Dr Charles Loops (info in that auto email you received already), as he might be the best person for this situation.
But, the homeopathy and likely some supplement support should help your little one to feel better!
Hope this helps!
Best, Dr Dee
I have a 12yr old shih tzu he is 18lbd. He is frantic with fire works. How many pellets of boiron phosphorus 30c can I give him to calm him down
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Just mix 1-2 pellets in 1-2 ounces of water and dose every 1/2 hour for about 3-4 doses.
If that doesn’t work you’ll need to try another remedy, like Aconite.
I have a 12yr old shih tzu he is 18lbd. He is frantic with fire works. How many pellets of boiron phosphorus 30c can I give him to calm him down
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Just mix 1-2 pellets in 1-2 ounces of water and dose every 1/2 hour for about 3-4 doses.
If that doesn’t work you’ll need to try another remedy, like Aconite.
I am also wondering, because my dog’s medicines prohibit any alcohol, how long remedys are effective in just distilled water or milk or broth. ie, do we need to make new batches daily or after one application. Thanks again, so much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Probably a week, maybe a little longer- you’ll be able to tell if something starts growing in there!
I am also wondering, because my dog’s medicines prohibit any alcohol, how long remedys are effective in just distilled water or milk or broth. ie, do we need to make new batches daily or after one application. Thanks again, so much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Probably a week, maybe a little longer- you’ll be able to tell if something starts growing in there!
Hi again,
Also, will the remedies in water or mild work or loose potency if put in one’s hand for pets to lick from.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
It is possible that the oils from your skin can contaminate the remedies, yes. If you add alcohol to the distilled water, your liquid remedy will last longer- I would say up to 2 weeks depending on your water/alcohol ratio.
Hi again,
Also, will the remedies in water or mild work or loose potency if put in one’s hand for pets to lick from.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
It is possible that the oils from your skin can contaminate the remedies, yes. If you add alcohol to the distilled water, your liquid remedy will last longer- I would say up to 2 weeks depending on your water/alcohol ratio.
Donna Berkowitz
Hi Dr. Dee Blancho. Pearl was stung in the mouth 2 weeks ago. Her entire body broke out in red hives and puss filled blisters. She now has ongoing skin issue. Vet said there’s no indication it’s an allergic reaction. What and how do I give her to get rid of the hives and puss pockets please ?
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your weekend email. I try not to do much computer stuff on the weekends.
This doesn’t exactly sound like an insect bite – esp. with pus filled blisters. I would agree with the vet – it sounds more like some sort of an infection.
I can’t really say what to give but you could try the remedies for bites and see if that helps somewhat – Ledum or Apis. Give three times a day for 2 days and see if things change.
Hi Dr. Dee Blancho. Pearl was stung in the mouth 2 weeks ago. Her entire body broke out in red hives and puss filled blisters. She now has ongoing skin issue. Vet said there’s no indication it’s an allergic reaction. What and how do I give her to get rid of the hives and puss pockets please ?
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your weekend email. I try not to do much computer stuff on the weekends.
This doesn’t exactly sound like an insect bite – esp. with pus filled blisters. I would agree with the vet – it sounds more like some sort of an infection.
I can’t really say what to give but you could try the remedies for bites and see if that helps somewhat – Ledum or Apis. Give three times a day for 2 days and see if things change.
A 2 yrs old male dog ,is suffering from lung disease and fatty liver and not able to walk ,only head is raised very weakly , since 2 weeks .it has history of vasectomy before 2 weeks. I gave a dose of nux vomica 200 potency .what is the. Suitable medicine to it .pls suggest it has been so many days without walking.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
You really need to work with a veterinary homeopath right now! Nux vomica might help but you need someone to really understand this case in depth. It’s very unusual for a young dog to be having these symptoms so there is much more going on than meets the eye. And I cannot do consults, I’m sorry.
By now you would have received my autoresponder – please contact one of the vets listed there or on website. You need some experienced help.
Best, Dr Dee
A 2 yrs old male dog ,is suffering from lung disease and fatty liver and not able to walk ,only head is raised very weakly , since 2 weeks .it has history of vasectomy before 2 weeks. I gave a dose of nux vomica 200 potency .what is the. Suitable medicine to it .pls suggest it has been so many days without walking.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
You really need to work with a veterinary homeopath right now! Nux vomica might help but you need someone to really understand this case in depth. It’s very unusual for a young dog to be having these symptoms so there is much more going on than meets the eye. And I cannot do consults, I’m sorry.
By now you would have received my autoresponder – please contact one of the vets listed there or on website. You need some experienced help.
Best, Dr Dee
Amanda Jacobs
My 16 year old cat has a Pulsatilla constitution (affectionate, no thirst, loves outdoors). He probably has nasal lymphoma or carcinoma but we are not opting for CT scan. AM and evening sneezing, Left sided nasal swelling esp at top of nose, bright red blood d/c alternating with thick green d/c. Puls 200c (5 doses every other day) hasn’t improved sx so I plan to order Arum tryphyllum 30c. What potency do you suggest? Thank you.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Start with 30C, twice daily for about 3 days, then keep going once a day for at least 7 days to see if things improve.
My 16 year old cat has a Pulsatilla constitution (affectionate, no thirst, loves outdoors). He probably has nasal lymphoma or carcinoma but we are not opting for CT scan. AM and evening sneezing, Left sided nasal swelling esp at top of nose, bright red blood d/c alternating with thick green d/c. Puls 200c (5 doses every other day) hasn’t improved sx so I plan to order Arum tryphyllum 30c. What potency do you suggest? Thank you.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Start with 30C, twice daily for about 3 days, then keep going once a day for at least 7 days to see if things improve.
My terrier mix has been having a little trouble with back legs the last two weeks. They seem weaker, she stretches them out alternately when walking sometimes until she gets going a few minutes. She sleeps a lot so maybe it’s stiffness. She’s 17 yrs old, lost her eye sight last year but loves to play and hops like a bunny just not as long as before when she could see. She seems a little off balance sometimes too because of her back legs. She’s about 20 lbs. I was reading about Arnica and also Rhus Tox for joints, stiffness and possible arthritis. Is one better than the other for this? I have steps by the sofa and bed so she isn’t jumping but sometimes she does misjudge the steps and topples about a foot. Her energy is good and she loves going for walks, just doesn’t seem to enjoy them after a few minutes like she used to.
I’ve been massaging her legs too, she loves that. She has lost some weight over the last few years also. Thank you for any help. I appreciate it.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Rhust tox is probably better.
My terrier mix has been having a little trouble with back legs the last two weeks. They seem weaker, she stretches them out alternately when walking sometimes until she gets going a few minutes. She sleeps a lot so maybe it’s stiffness. She’s 17 yrs old, lost her eye sight last year but loves to play and hops like a bunny just not as long as before when she could see. She seems a little off balance sometimes too because of her back legs. She’s about 20 lbs. I was reading about Arnica and also Rhus Tox for joints, stiffness and possible arthritis. Is one better than the other for this? I have steps by the sofa and bed so she isn’t jumping but sometimes she does misjudge the steps and topples about a foot. Her energy is good and she loves going for walks, just doesn’t seem to enjoy them after a few minutes like she used to.
I’ve been massaging her legs too, she loves that. She has lost some weight over the last few years also. Thank you for any help. I appreciate it.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Rhust tox is probably better.
Judy Hetkowski
I’m trying to help two of my homes that have car sick puppies. They are 15 weeks tomorrow. Another site said not to give nux vomica to a dog. The homes just ordered it and I’d like some guidance if you can dog that. Love your article here. Thank you.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, you can give Nux vomica to a dog. It may or may not help this situation. Nux vomica is typically more for dyspepsia caused from indigestion, not from motion sickness.
Often Cocculus indicus, Tabacum or Aconite can help with motion sickness.
I’m trying to help two of my homes that have car sick puppies. They are 15 weeks tomorrow. Another site said not to give nux vomica to a dog. The homes just ordered it and I’d like some guidance if you can dog that. Love your article here. Thank you.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, you can give Nux vomica to a dog. It may or may not help this situation. Nux vomica is typically more for dyspepsia caused from indigestion, not from motion sickness.
Often Cocculus indicus, Tabacum or Aconite can help with motion sickness.
Hi Dr. Dee
I have a 8 year old 80lb rescue black lab who is struggling terribly with arthritis in her hips. Before coming to live with me 6 years ago, she was very abused and hit by a car. As she has aged, her hips have gotten worse and I have purchased Boiron Rhus Tox 30c, but am unsure of the dosage and duration for her. First of all, is this what you would recommend for her combination of breed, age and past injuries? And if so how many tablets should I give her? And for how long?
If this is not the right homeopathic option in your opinion what might be?
I am also introducing vitamin c and cod liver oil to her diet in hopes that this may help as well.
Thank you so much for your time!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Rhus tox might be a good remedy for your lab, but you just have to try it. Give 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for about a week and see how she does.
If that doesn’t help switch to Arnica and dose the same. This will likely help quite a bit due to the level of trauma she has endured. Try to get it in a 200C potency.
Vitamin C and CLO are fine!
Hi Dr. Dee
I have a 8 year old 80lb rescue black lab who is struggling terribly with arthritis in her hips. Before coming to live with me 6 years ago, she was very abused and hit by a car. As she has aged, her hips have gotten worse and I have purchased Boiron Rhus Tox 30c, but am unsure of the dosage and duration for her. First of all, is this what you would recommend for her combination of breed, age and past injuries? And if so how many tablets should I give her? And for how long?
If this is not the right homeopathic option in your opinion what might be?
I am also introducing vitamin c and cod liver oil to her diet in hopes that this may help as well.
Thank you so much for your time!
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Rhus tox might be a good remedy for your lab, but you just have to try it. Give 1 tablet 2-3 times a day for about a week and see how she does.
If that doesn’t help switch to Arnica and dose the same. This will likely help quite a bit due to the level of trauma she has endured. Try to get it in a 200C potency.
Vitamin C and CLO are fine!
Dr. Dee I have a cat with liver issues and I have the homeopathic remedies for her case but she is very difficult to medicate and each time it’s a big struggle. She won’t take it in milk. Can I give it in food? I know normally they need to be given away from food but I don’t know how else to give it to her without so much drama, it’s ruining our relationship 😢
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
This is a great question, Lisa, and unfortunately a common problem with our dear kitties! This is one of the frustrations folks have about cats and really makes cats not as easy a companion as dogs. As we know, they are not small dogs!
If she is drinking you can put it in her water. But, if it’s a high potency then you only want to dose it infrequently. You will have to dissolve the pellets in the water, let her drink from it a couple times and then change the water.
You can put the remedy on her food, but it can be an ambiguous response if the food antidotes the remedy. But, if that is all you can do, then by all means do it!
There are many times we put remedies in the large water troths of large animals who drink from them. They are dirty, multiple animals drinking, etc. and they work!
But, by all means, don’t destroy your relationship with her. This is precisely why I love homeopathy – because dosing doesn’t have to be a battle!
Dr. Dee I have a cat with liver issues and I have the homeopathic remedies for her case but she is very difficult to medicate and each time it’s a big struggle. She won’t take it in milk. Can I give it in food? I know normally they need to be given away from food but I don’t know how else to give it to her without so much drama, it’s ruining our relationship 😢
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
This is a great question, Lisa, and unfortunately a common problem with our dear kitties! This is one of the frustrations folks have about cats and really makes cats not as easy a companion as dogs. As we know, they are not small dogs!
If she is drinking you can put it in her water. But, if it’s a high potency then you only want to dose it infrequently. You will have to dissolve the pellets in the water, let her drink from it a couple times and then change the water.
You can put the remedy on her food, but it can be an ambiguous response if the food antidotes the remedy. But, if that is all you can do, then by all means do it!
There are many times we put remedies in the large water troths of large animals who drink from them. They are dirty, multiple animals drinking, etc. and they work!
But, by all means, don’t destroy your relationship with her. This is precisely why I love homeopathy – because dosing doesn’t have to be a battle!
Cheri Armstrong
Dr. Dee,
Our 4 year old Goldendoodle was diagnosed with stage 4 CKD. He is eating and drinks some. We are feeding fresh protein and some vegetables and fruit. Is there a remedy you recommend for his kidneys and for immune system?
Thank you very much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Cheri,
That is very, very young to have that level of kidney disease in a dog. I’m so sorry this has happened to your little one. Unfortunately, at this time that combination of dog (and others like the Doodles) are having very serious conditions that show up earlier and earlier.
This cannot be treated quickly or easily with just a homeopathic remedy or two. Just be aware of that.
But, you can give him Natrum muriaticum 6X cell salt (3 tabs 2x/day) and maybe (I can’t be sure because I’m not familiar with the entire case and can’t take more clients now), Natrum muriaticum 30C daily as well. But, your dig might need one of many other remedies that could fit his ‘constitution’ and the general weaknesses you describe.
You really need a skilled homeopath to help you.
I would suggest Dr Charles Loops, my colleague in North Carolina – speak with him if you are inclined to use homeopathy.
I hope this helps and best of healing,
Dr Dee
Dr. Dee,
Our 4 year old Goldendoodle was diagnosed with stage 4 CKD. He is eating and drinks some. We are feeding fresh protein and some vegetables and fruit. Is there a remedy you recommend for his kidneys and for immune system?
Thank you very much.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Cheri,
That is very, very young to have that level of kidney disease in a dog. I’m so sorry this has happened to your little one. Unfortunately, at this time that combination of dog (and others like the Doodles) are having very serious conditions that show up earlier and earlier.
This cannot be treated quickly or easily with just a homeopathic remedy or two. Just be aware of that.
But, you can give him Natrum muriaticum 6X cell salt (3 tabs 2x/day) and maybe (I can’t be sure because I’m not familiar with the entire case and can’t take more clients now), Natrum muriaticum 30C daily as well. But, your dig might need one of many other remedies that could fit his ‘constitution’ and the general weaknesses you describe.
You really need a skilled homeopath to help you.
I would suggest Dr Charles Loops, my colleague in North Carolina – speak with him if you are inclined to use homeopathy.
I hope this helps and best of healing,
Dr Dee
Donna Berkowitz
How much of the nux vomica would I give my 22 lb dog who has acid reflux every day here and there through the day. She is a dog that has IBD and pancreatitis diagnosed on her endoscopy.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Start with 1 pill of a 30C, twice a day for a few days. If it helps, back off and give 1 pill/day. Then stop if the symptoms completely subside. Use as needed for return of symptoms.
But, there might be some other underlying issues that need more long term treatments with homeopathic remedies.
How much of the nux vomica would I give my 22 lb dog who has acid reflux every day here and there through the day. She is a dog that has IBD and pancreatitis diagnosed on her endoscopy.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Start with 1 pill of a 30C, twice a day for a few days. If it helps, back off and give 1 pill/day. Then stop if the symptoms completely subside. Use as needed for return of symptoms.
But, there might be some other underlying issues that need more long term treatments with homeopathic remedies.
Hello, I treat my two Siamese girls with a combination homeopathic flu remedy . This since we relocated and both now will not tolerate vaccinations jabs. This has worked well for three years, but it’s getting more difficult to dose with the tablets. Can I dissolve in water ? I’d use separate dropper bottles for each cat? Thanks
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 oz bottle of water (or even a 2oz bottle works too), then dose them from the bottles. Just a few drops is all you need for each dose.
I can’t give you more directions because I don’t know what you are using – you might have to speak with the manufacturer of the product.
Best, Dr Dee
Hello, I treat my two Siamese girls with a combination homeopathic flu remedy . This since we relocated and both now will not tolerate vaccinations jabs. This has worked well for three years, but it’s getting more difficult to dose with the tablets. Can I dissolve in water ? I’d use separate dropper bottles for each cat? Thanks
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Yes, dissolve 1 tablet in 1 oz bottle of water (or even a 2oz bottle works too), then dose them from the bottles. Just a few drops is all you need for each dose.
I can’t give you more directions because I don’t know what you are using – you might have to speak with the manufacturer of the product.
Best, Dr Dee
Hi Dr. Dee, I’m hoping you could provide some guidance on dosing lachesis for EGC on our 9 year old cat (weight is approximately 14 lbs).
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Sarah,
It’s really tough for me to recommend anything because I don’t know anything about your cat’s individual symptoms. In homeopathy we don’t treat a diagnosis, so I don’t treat EGC, we treat your cat and his/her particular symptoms, unique to them.
But, if you are sure it’s Lachesis, then start with the 30C and give it once a day for a few days and see if it helps. Go slow.
I hope this helps!
Hi Dr. Dee, I’m hoping you could provide some guidance on dosing lachesis for EGC on our 9 year old cat (weight is approximately 14 lbs).
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Hello Sarah,
It’s really tough for me to recommend anything because I don’t know anything about your cat’s individual symptoms. In homeopathy we don’t treat a diagnosis, so I don’t treat EGC, we treat your cat and his/her particular symptoms, unique to them.
But, if you are sure it’s Lachesis, then start with the 30C and give it once a day for a few days and see if it helps. Go slow.
I hope this helps!
Do you recommend any pre-treatment before getting the three rabies vaccines?
My dog is 9 1/2 years old. This will be her third rabies vaccine.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Of course any dog getting a vaccine should and could be ‘pretreated’ with homeopathic remedies, vitamins and other nutraceuticals to support the body. To do that would require some consult but do not be deluded that a pre-treatment regime will absolutely insure your dog won’t have seizures, cancer or other chronic disease after vaccines. The products used as ‘pre-treatment’ can help, but not guarantee.
But, why not do antibody titers first – see what the circulating levels of antibody’s against the other rabies vaccines are showing. A dog 9.5 yrs old should never, never, never get any more vaccines – esp since he/she has already had 2 before.
Hope this helps!
Dr Dee
Do you recommend any pre-treatment before getting the three rabies vaccines?
My dog is 9 1/2 years old. This will be her third rabies vaccine.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Of course any dog getting a vaccine should and could be ‘pretreated’ with homeopathic remedies, vitamins and other nutraceuticals to support the body. To do that would require some consult but do not be deluded that a pre-treatment regime will absolutely insure your dog won’t have seizures, cancer or other chronic disease after vaccines. The products used as ‘pre-treatment’ can help, but not guarantee.
But, why not do antibody titers first – see what the circulating levels of antibody’s against the other rabies vaccines are showing. A dog 9.5 yrs old should never, never, never get any more vaccines – esp since he/she has already had 2 before.
Hope this helps!
Dr Dee
I read your articles and go back reread them,see things I scanned over, and learn more. Love it.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Thank you Mary!!
I read your articles and go back reread them,see things I scanned over, and learn more. Love it.
Dr Dee Blanco replied:
Thank you Mary!!