
Does My Pet Really Need All These Medications?
Not if you employ natural rearing practices and want to keep your animal, your home, and the environment healthy!

Does My Pet Really Need All This Stuff The Vet Recommends?
We've all been trained and conditioned to immediately take our brand new puppy or kitten to the vet for their vaccinations. We’re told that it’s the only way to do right by them, and make sure they don’t get a dreaded disease and die. Fear is a fantastic motivator.

Does Rescue Remedy for Pets Really Work?
Do you have a dog or cat who is normally fearless, but who cowers in a crying mess during a thunderstorm, nearby fireworks noises or crowds?
While it's important to pay attention to your pets and learn everything you can about the root issues triggering their anxious behaviors, I have found Rescue Remedy for Pets to be very effective for anxiety in animals.

Holistic Veterinary Care
Homeopathy for Epidemics: What You Need to Know About COVID-19 and More
As a holistic doctor of veterinary medicine and a naturopathic clinician, I have frequently questioned the status quo of what I call “commercial medicine.”
The history you’ll learn in this blog is part of what helped me find my path towards what is true for me, professionally and personally.

Fresh Food
Species Appropriate Diets: Vet Recommends Raw Food for Dogs and Cats
Discover how feeding a fresh species appropriate to your dog or cat has numerous benefits that not only encompass the physical, but, also the emotional, behavioral, psychological, sexual and even spiritual aspects of life.

What is Homeopathy and is it safe for dogs and cats?
Homeopathy is a form of energetic medicine using natural substances in highly diluted forms to stimulate a healing reaction in the body. Is is very safe for your dog and cat. As a holistic veterinarian I have used homeopathy for over 40 years with incredible results. Let me explain.

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