
Does My Pet Really Need All These Medications?
Not if you employ natural rearing practices and want to keep your animal, your home, and the environment healthy!

Does My Pet Really Need All This Stuff The Vet Recommends?
We've all been trained and conditioned to immediately take our brand new puppy or kitten to the vet for their vaccinations. We’re told that it’s the only way to do right by them, and make sure they don’t get a dreaded disease and die. Fear is a fantastic motivator.

Do My Pet's Need To Detox?
If we need to detox, our pets need to detox!
We’re all swimming in the same "soup," breathing the same air, drinking the same water, eating much of the same food.
Well, almost...
Studies have shown our pets are exposed to more toxins, probably hundreds more toxins, than us humans.

Pet Allergies
It's that "special" time of year again...the dreaded time when our pups with "allergies" start discharging, sneezing, scratching and even having gut issues. Of course, you, the pet parent, are anxious about these symptoms that can continue for months and months!

Here Are 3 Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Your Pet Live Longer
You know who benefits from making pet care convenient, packaged, and deliverable? The pet companies, not your pets. From pet food to toys and even stuff you heard at the vet’s office, we’ve got some cleaning up to do!
Learn our 3 tips to help you give your dog or cat a long healthy life.

Why is it important to detox your pets?
We're becoming more and more aware of the toxicity levels in our every day environment. In this blog, you'll learn what small changes you can make today to give your pet (and you!) a detox jumpstart. These tips help the body naturally shed harmful, everyday chemicals.

Feeding Fresh: Food Therapy for Dogs and Cats, Part 1
Ahh, chicken soup! Doesn't it bring up the fondest memories of someone making you soup when you were ill? Turns out soups are the best way to give the digestive system a break while the body is healing. Read on to learn how SOUP can help your dog or cat!

Feeding Fresh for Dogs and Cats - it's SO Easy!
It's fresh, it's healthy, it's real, and it's SOOO easy!
If you aren't already feeding a fresh food diet to your cat or dog, what's stopping you?
Our simple guide for feeding fresh will transform your dog's and cat's health. Learn more!

Healthy Dogs and Cats Always Choose Fresh Food First
If your dog or cat could choose their own food what would they choose? They would likely choose fresh meat.
Okay, maybe you have a finicky cat who only wants canned or dry food; but, after an adjustment, period my guess is your cat would want fresh food...

Can My Dog Eat Grains? Can My Cat Eat Grains? Yes, If Done Right!
Most grains have enzymes called phytates which block the absorption of all minerals but especially calcium, magnesium and zinc. If they are not removed from grains, deficiencies may occur. Learn now to safely cook grains for your dog or cat.

What is Homeopathy and is it safe for dogs and cats?
Homeopathy is a form of energetic medicine using natural substances in highly diluted forms to stimulate a healing reaction in the body. Is is very safe for your dog and cat. As a holistic veterinarian I have used homeopathy for over 40 years with incredible results. Let me explain.

Detoxification for Dogs and Cats
There is no lack of articles telling us humans how many toxins plague our systems. Our pets are exposed to more toxins, probably hundreds more toxins, than humans.
Our pets need a little help getting out the gunk, too! Learn how to detoxify your dog or cat!

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Learn more with Dr. Dee and holistic pet care.
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