Homeopathic Restful Legs Combination for Restless Animals by Hyland's
If your dog wakes you at night with generalized itching, restlessness, agitation and you don't know how to help, reach for this gentle combination of homeopathic remedies. Hyland's Restful Legs may temporarily relieve symptoms of agitation or urge to jerk or move legs, itching, tingling, or crawling sensations in the legs.
Hyland's Restful Legs does not treat Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
Active Ingredients | Purposes:
Arsenicum Album 12X - creeping, crawling itch
Lycopodium 6X - feeling of agitation
Pulsatilla 6X - constant urge to move legs
Rhus toxicodendron 6X - agitation
Sulphur 6X - itching, tingling, and urge to move legs
Zincum netallicum 12X - twitching and jerking of legs while sitting
Inactive Ingredients:
Acacia Gum, Lactose N.F.
This product does not contain aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen. Homeopathic formulas such as this do not contraindicate other medications.