Hyland's Cell Salt #1 - Calcarea fluorica for Bones, Ligaments, and Teeth for Pets and People by Hyland's
Give your pet support for any elastic tissue, bones, teeth, veins and heart tissue.
Cell salt #1, Calcarea flouricum, (also Calcium flouricum (Calc flour), has been known as "the elasticity cell salt." This is the bottle to grab when your animal (or you) experience any type of ligament, bone, teeth, vein, muscle and even heart issue. This cell salt helps stiff, achy joints that have lost their elasticity, delayed dentition (slow teeth development or slow release of infant teeth), and the deficiency of tooth enamel. If you or your animal (especially cats) appear to have a head cold that generously heaps on the thick, greenish discharge, this cell salt can help alleviate the symptoms.
Cell salts support mineral imbalances to help the body heal itself.
When the body's mineral storages are out of balance, your animals will be more likely to experience some common health issues. The body's mineral stores can be replenished by taking cell salts. With balanced mineral stores, the body is more able to withstand and treat illness. For cell salt #1, Calcium fluoride offers strength and flexibility to the body.