homeopathy for dog trauma or puncture | homeopathy for cat trauma or puncture

Homeopathy for Dog and Cat Emergencies: Trauma, Punctures and Nausea

Ah! The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat......

I know your little Olympian deserves a gold medal every time she sits for a treat, but, what if she misses a step at the agility course or twists her neck catching a frisbee?

Homeopathic remedies fit perfectly for these sorts of boo-boos. Every athlete at Rio 2016 should be using homeopathy - they would never need to fear drug testing!

Homeopathy for Pets: Aconite for Fear, Shock & Anxiety Reading Homeopathy for Dog and Cat Emergencies: Trauma, Punctures and Nausea 2 minutes Next Healthy Dogs and Cats Always Choose Fresh Food First

Ah! The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat......

I know your little Olympian deserves a gold medal every time she sits for a treat, but, what if she misses a step at the agility course or twists her neck catching a frisbee?

Homeopathic remedies fit perfectly for these sorts of boo-boos. Every athlete at Rio 2016 should be using homeopathy - they would never need to fear drug testing!

Here are some potential pet emergencies where Homeopathy is the best and, really, the safest option to insure your dog or cat:

  • He's playing ball with two other dogs. Someone runs forcefully into his shoulder. He lets out a cry you can't ignore. Pull out the Arnica montana.
  • She's jumping over the stream, misses her step and is immediately 3-legged lame. Head for the Ruta graveolens.
  • She's playing soccer with the family cat. Oops! An unintended puncture to the nose! Grab the Ledum palustre.
  • He's been at day care all day, playing, playing, and playing. Exhausted, looking like a wet noodle, he eats dinner but can't hold it down. Remember the Nux vomica.

If you'd love to learn more about using homeopathic remedies for the many emergencies that might happen to your dog or cat, check out the kit and mini courses in my shop: HOMEOPATHY FOR PET EMERGENCIES

Grab a homeopathic kit if you don't have one!

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