how to I use homeopathy for dog emergecies

Homeopathy for Dog and Cat Emergencies: Digestive Chaos!

We've all been there, your dog ate something and how you need to decide if you need to rush to the vet, watch them to see what happens, or just fret!

We explain how emergency homeopathy can help!

Kick off your shoes and go for a run on the beach. Or put on your hiking boots and explore the forest. But, don't forget your homeopathic remedies — in case of an emergency!

What happened to Trixie and her person, Donna, is an example of a possible pet emergency avoided by having homeopathic remedies and the knowledge of how to use them.

It couldn't have been a more beautiful day to head out to the local lake. Donna was closing up the house when Trixie helped herself to the contents of the kitchen garbage can. Donna was always mindful of Trixie's love for anything appearing even remotely edible — but, accidents do happen!

By the time Donna returned, Trixie had eaten all the leftovers in the trash leaving the kitchen in a mess. Should Donna take Trixie to the vet, instead of the lake? Should she induce vomiting? She knows her little four-legged daughter can have diarrhea from indiscretions in diet. What is a mother to do?

Drum roll, please... emergency pet homeopathy to the rescue!

There is no better, faster, easier solution than the homeopathic remedy for your pet, Nux vomica, to help a case of debauch!

Nux, as it is affectionately called, is a brilliant pet homeopathic remedy for all sorts of excesses, including over-eating, (like Trixie); over-indulging in drink or food; over-drugging (pharmaceuticals, recreational); over-caffeinating (yes, too many Starbucks coffees); over-stressing; over-working; over, over, over...

I have to say, I think Nux should be put in the water systems in the United States. Take out the lead and replace it with Nux!

Just kidding. But, seriously, who isn't over-stressed these days?

Here's a broader picture of when the homeopathic pet remedy Nux vomica might help:

  • irritability
  • nervousness
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • 'self medicating' with stimulants, alternating with sedatives
  • gastrointestinal upsets (dyspepsia), gas, burping, poor digestion
  • nausea and vomiting (especially in the morning)
  • ravenous appetite
  • oversensitivity: light, sound, smells, etc
  • back pain
  • constipation (chronic - from sedentary life)
  • diarrhea (acute - from over eating, anger)
  • sleeplessness after drinking
  • headaches from over-doing

Any of these symptoms sound familiar to you? Be it a furry-one or a two-legged, the Nux pattern of illness can manifest from an out-of-balance life style, creating havoc in every part of the body!

Luckily, Donna was ready with her emergency kit, gave Trixie Nux vomica, nixed the trip to the vet, and headed to the lake after all!

If you're ready to discover this great natural medicine and watch in awe as your pets respond with their own innate healing, check out my HOMEOPATHIC KITS and mini course in my shop: HOMEOPATHY FOR PET EMERGENCIES


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